Archive for June, 2011

For Arab Mothers.

June 24, 2011

Arab Mothers! Have You Seen This Picture?


This picture was taken in Poland in 1942 during the Holocaust showing Jewish women standing by a ravine. These are mothers and daughters holding their babies in their arms minutes before being killed.

Can you feel their pain and agony?  holding their babies on their way to death? Can you see yourself standing in that line? Can you see your baby there?


Arab Mothers, If this picture can not melt your hearts then what can? Think for a moment. Today you are raising Ahemdi Nejads of tomorrow. He and others like him (there are many) desire for Jews nothing less than what Hitler did. Mothers, teach you kids to respect life. If you do not teach them now to respect the right of others to live, right to live a peaceful life, then they will never learn these basics. They will never learn the first thing about the sanctity of human life.

Look at this picture again. If this picture alone can not make the case for a Jewish homeland, a land of their own, where mothers were not to be forced to die while holding their children, nothing else can.

Look at this picture and lament the fact that what a normal human being is capable of doing to other human beings. If this picture can not make you ashamed of being part of human race, nothing else can.

How many Arab and Muslim “intellectuals” have thought about it?, wrote about it?  Probably few.

Arab Spring? my foot.